bentrideronline/E Trike Review

Viral Update: (DO NOT ENTER bentrideronline until further notice.  We just had a Russian cyber attack and are trying to clear up the spyware.)

Posted April 15th, 2021

E Trike Recumbent

The E trike is an entry level recumbent for those on a tight budget.  It may not have the same speed and manueverability found in the higher end brands such as HP Velo or an Ultimate Trike, but for half the cost of these, it's something to consider.  I'm an avid poster and member of bentrideronline,, and so I know a thing or two about recumbents.  (Most members from these two forums are not dealers, contrary to what is being claimed by some in the recumbent community, so you will always get honest unpaid reviews).

After you create an account, send me your login name and I'll link you with my friends. My login name is Tunesmith or ask for Steve Erickson (everyone knows me).  I also run several recumbent forums on Reddit and am an avid videographer at local LGBT recumbent rallies in Dallas, where my life partner, Bryan Balls, has been the organizer for the last few years.  I am sure someone in the forums will be able to help you find a trike that will meet your budget (Again, we are not sales people.) Cameratrike, BlazingPedals, VegasRider, Phassell, Mobilemail, and Krispysteve are all great guys. Airmoose, Honeybadger, and Joao are also stand up guys and they all worked for years selling trikes so they should know a thing or two about recumbents.  We float between several different recumbent forums so it's easy to find us.

Recently, there's lots of fake links appearing on Facebook,, Reddit, and bentrideronline from Russian spammers so watch out for spam and ad bot viruses. The owners are trying their best to remove them. It's hard to get rid of them once they get onto your hard drive and start collecting personal information.  All it takes is one click and the virus is on your computer.  If it looks suspicious, don't click.

I'm a forum moderator on Facebook,, Reddit and bentrideronline.  Most of the Russian hackers have been identified and removed from all three of these sites. Most of the malicious links have been removed.  Links to these sites that appear on Google may still contain viruses because Google does not always update its searches.  To protect your personal information, I would recommend not entering these three sites from Google search results until all pages have been updated. 

To temporarily block all search results from these three sites, follow the steps below: (We all have to do our part and fight these Russians or else they will start creeping into all of our lives.  They've already done it on Facebook.  Block them anywhere you see them online and do it TODAY so Google can remove them.  The more people that block the malicious links, the faster Google will get rid of them.)

1. always use Google Chrome as your web browser.  You may download Google Chrome using the link below.

2. Open your Chrome browser.

3. Download and add the Personal Blocklist Extension to Chrome.  You may download the Extension using the link below 

4. Type,,, or in the address bar to go directly to their website through your browser (DO NOT enter their website through any Google search links.  The links may be old and contain malware or Russian spyware.)

5. Click on the little red hand icon on the upper right corner of your browser (This is the Personal Blocklist Extension icon.  It is located at the end of the address bar in your browser)

6. A small popup window will appear, and then Click on "Block current host:", "Block current host:", "Block current host:", or "Block current host:".


You'all ride safe and enjoy your recumbent. Bryan Balls and I still looking for several more volunteers for this year's LGBT recumbent rally in Dallas.

Feel free to email me with any questions.  I've been riding recumbents for over 27 years so I know all the good and the bad about almost any trike.

Steve Erickson
